$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Beauty 美容, Construction 建築業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT3, HR 人力資源, Design 設計, GM 綜合管理, M07AJ

HN GROUP LIMITED 殷理基集團有限公司澳門招聘


集團始創於 1920 年,前身為殷理基洋行有限公司,最初以經營進口葡萄牙產品為核心業務,再由零售逐步擴展至不同的服務行業。面對澳門的急速發展,集團化後的殷理基以進一步發展業務覆蓋為目標,專注發掘不同領域的投資及合作機會。多年積累的經驗參與管理,在每個業務上竭力改善澳門居民的生活,並以支持地區的經濟發展為貢獻,締結集團“立足澳門,服務民生”的使命。


Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • Manage full spectrum of daily office administration and procurement functions.

  • Provide a full range of administrative support.

  • Review and set up administration workflow and execute internal document control.

  • Provide other administrative support to the office and retail outlets.

  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required.

  • Degree holder in any discipline.

  • At least 2-4 years of relevant working experience.

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Excellent in the use of MS Office, especially in Excel and PowerPoint.

  • Detail-minded with 'Can Do' attitude.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo

Administrative Supervisor / Assistant Administrative Manager

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • Manage full spectrum of daily office administration and procurement functions.

  • Provide a full range of administrative support.

  • Review and set up administration workflow and execute internal document control.

  • Provide other administrative support to the office and retail outlets.

  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required.

  • Degree holder in any discipline.

  • At least 2-4 years of relevant working experience.

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Excellent in the use of MS Office, especially in Excel and PowerPoint.

  • Detail-minded with 'Can Do' attitude.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo



  • 接載公司管理人員或客人,配合管理人員用車需要

  • 持有澳門及大陸輕型駕駛執照,需要駕駛往來澳門香港、具良好駕駛紀錄,熟識澳門街道及有豐富駕駛經驗

  • 具5年以上專業司機工作經驗

  • 誠實有禮、積極主動、有責任心

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 recruit2@hngroup.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

行政助理 / 公司司機


  • 協助處理公司一般日常行政事務

  • 接載公司管理人員或客人,配合管理人員用車需要

  • 持有澳門及大陸輕型駕駛執照,需要駕駛往來澳門香港、具良好駕駛紀錄,熟識澳門街道及有豐富駕駛經驗

  • 具5年以上專業司機工作經驗

  • 誠實有禮、積極主動、有責任心

  • 略懂英文優先

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 recruit2@hngroup.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

外勤文員 / 公司司機


負責處理文件存放, 收集及派送文件





有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等寄往澳門宋玉生廣場258號建興龍廣場21樓人力資源及行政部收或電郵至 recruit2@hngroup.com.mo (信封上或電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

會計 (Accountant)


  • 負責日常審核各項賬目、成本、費用和利潤,定期編制財務報表;

  • 負責編制財務分析報告;

  • 督促應收帳款和監督存庫狀況;

  • 負責處理審計、稅務等相關申報工作;

  • 對接公司秘書等相關工作;

  • 協助上級處理其他工作事項。


  • 具備大學學位,主修會計或相關學科優先;

  • 擁有3年或以上全盤會計工作經驗或熟悉建築業會計;

  • 具會計師事務所經驗或熟悉新加坡稅務者優先考慮;

  • 中英文程度良好;

  • 熟悉日常辦公軟件(Excel、Word等);

  • 獨立、細心、善於溝通,且具有良好分析和解決問題的能力;

  • 能夠承受壓力並按時完成工作。

有意者請填寫申請表(下載鏈接:http://gofile.me/4FXay/DUgZStJwC)連同個人履歷、近照、要求待遇等寄往澳門宋玉生廣場258號建興龍廣場21樓人力資源及行政部收或電郵至 recruit2@hngroup.com.mo (信封或電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

Assistant Sales Manager / Senior Sales Representative

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • To meet business targets assigned by company.

  • To follow up new business, handling outgoing sales work, maintaining existing clients and approach new clients to achieve sales targets.

  • To deliver Sales objectives and drive Sales Growth, promote product portfolio in assigned projects.

  • Explore all business opportunities to aid market expansion and to ensure business growth.

  • Unique and exquisite products to mid to high end customers.

  • 3 - 5 years experience in brand or product management.

  • Broad sales and marketing experience, self-motivated, aggressive, excellent interpersonal and communication skill, and good exposure in the property development market.

  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin.

  • Willing to travel and periodic stationing.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Business Development Director (Base in Macau)

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • As a member of the Company’s top management,

    a) participate in the management of existing businesses, with emphasis on business expansion and performance enhancement;

    b) participate in new business development including: identifying new opportunities, devising strategic plans, financial analysis and feasibility studies; and setting up new operations;

  • A combined experience in the fields of finance, accounting and business management or business development is preferred as the job requires, in addition to business experience, basic knowledge of accounting and finance.

  • Degree holder in finance or related discipline(s),holder of CPA is preferred though not necessary.

  • China experience is preferred as the Company’s business development focuses on China and thus basic understanding of Chinese business regulations, tax regulations and legal requirements is highly preferred.

  • Good interpersonal skills, strong negotiation abilities with clients and government bodies.

  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin.

  • Candidate with hospitality experience is preferable.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Management Trainee

  • We are looking for an enthusiastic, versatile trainee who is keen to learn, willing to undertake challenges and eager to develop new skills. The trainee will assist in many administrative, operational and business development-related tasks.

  • Examples of Responsibilities:

  • Support staff in daily administrative tasks

  • Basic translation of documents into English/Chinese

  • Assist in devising marketing materials for various departments

  • Conduct simple market research and analysis

  • Assist staff in maintaining the day-to-day operations of departments


  • Bachelor’s degree (in any area)

  • Proficient in Chinese and English

  • Familiar with basic computer applications including Excel, Word, Powerpoint

  • Honest and attentive to details

  • Willing to take challenges and is able to multitask and work under pressure

  • Good communication and problem-solving skills

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Sales Director/ Manager

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • Report to Senior Management.

  • To lead the sales/professional team to meet business targets assigned from Senior Management.

  • To develop new business, handling outgoing sales work, maintaining existing clients, and approach new clients to achieve sales targets.

  • To deliver Sales objectives and drive Sales Growth, promote product portfolio in assigned projects.

  • Explore all business opportunities to aid market expansion and to ensure business growth.

  • Unique and exquisite products to mid to high and customer.

  • Results-based compensation scheme included.

  • Degree holder in Marketing, Business Administration or related disciplines.

  • 8 years or above solid experience in brand or product management.

  • Broad sales and marketing experience, self-motivated, aggressive, excellent interpersonal and communication skill, and good exposure in the property development market.

  • Experience in brand building and brand management through proactive and strategic communication and public relations programs.

  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin.

  • Willing to travel and periodic stationing.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Assistant HR Manager/HR officer

Responsibilities & Requirements:

  • Responsible for a full spectrum of Training & Development function including delivery of in-house training and seminars (such as team building, management skill, etc.), coordinating with external consultant on training & development events

  • Responsible for the development and implementation of effective training strategies & personnel training

  • Reporting to the Head of HR, responsible to provide professional advice and solutions to the full spectrum of HR functions

  • Work closely with business partners to implement talent engagement strategy

  • Handle a full spectrum of HR functions and activities including recruitment, coaching, performance management, and employee relationship

  • Keep abreast of local legislation’s update and ensure HR policies and practices are complying to local legislation’s

  • Degree in Human Resources Management, Business Administration or related disciplines

  • Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience

  • Proactive, presentable and self-motivated

  • Proficient in both written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Proficiency in MS office especially Excel, Word and PowerPoint

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to recruit2@hngroup.com.mo

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.




  • 中學或以上程度

  • 中、英文程度良好

  • 熟悉Microsoft office 及電腦等操作

  • 具有三年以上行政管理經驗, 能獨立處理工作

  • 良好溝通技巧及協調能力

  • 操流利粵語、基本英語及普通話

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至:andreachang@hnspeed.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)



  • 中學或以上程度

  • 熟悉Microsoft office 及電腦等操作

  • 中、英文程度良好

  • 能獨立處理工作

  • 良好溝通技巧及協調能力

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至:andreachang@hnspeed.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)



  • 高中或以上學歷

  • 制定年度行銷目標計畫

  • 建立和完善行銷資訊收集、處理、交流及保密系統

  • 對消費者購買心理和行為的調查

  • 對競爭品牌產品的性能

有意者請將個人履歷、近照等電郵至 recruit2@hngroup.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。



  • 有客底,拆賬高(面議)。


  • 需有相關經驗,負責洗頭及協助髮型師妥善完成工作。


  • 熟練洗頭吹頭,掌握頭部穴位經絡按摩等相關知識及技能,需有相關工作經驗。


  • 為客人提供皮膚護理,美容美體服務,熟悉美容知識及操作程式,掌握各種美容用品,用具的性能,保持工作環境的衛生及整潔。


  • 有經驗/冇經驗均可,需對工作有熱誠及有責任感,守時有禮。


有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 penglai@grupopopular.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。



  • 中學程度,具銷售美容護膚品或健康產品經驗者優先

  • 性格開朗,親切有禮

  • 積極進取,具良好溝通技巧

  • 操流利粵語,基本英語及普通話

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 susanna@GRUPOPOPULAR.COM.MO (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。




  • 協助統籌及協調各分判施工項目

  • 負責監控工程進度,推動各項施工步驟以確保工程能依計劃完成

  • 負責識別及協調所有問題事項並能獨立處理和解決現場各種問題

  • 五年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉地盤運作及統籌工作,能獨立處理地盤工程

  • 具備基本中文書寫能力

有意請電郵履歷至:cecilu@houchun.com.moeng1@houchun.com.mo 或者致電:853-8395 6588 陸小姐



  • 大學畢業

  • 勤奮、富責任心

  • 懂 AutoCad及 MS Offcie

  • 協助項目工程師處理日常工作

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題

有意請電郵履歷至:cecilu@houchun.com.moeng1@houchun.com.mo 或者致電:853-8395 6588 陸小姐

高級機電項目工程師 (電機 / 空調)


  • 大學本科畢業

  • 七年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉機電系統安裝和相關規範

  • 熟悉進度的監控和與各方協調工作

  • 具良好溝通技巧

  • 負責執行機電安裝工程項目

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題


有意請電郵履歷至:cecilu@houchun.com.moeng1@houchun.com.mo 或者致電:853-8395 6588 陸小姐


  • 大專本科程度或以上,3 ~ 5 年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 懂得使用AUTO-CAD繪圖

  • 擁有處理及管理大型工程項目的經驗

  • 能操英語及普通話

  • 良好的溝通技巧及人際關係

  • 負責與工程師,建築師,顧問及其他相關聯絡

  • 負責處理項目一般日常事項,監督及管理項目隊伍

  • 如相關工作經驗不足者,可申請機電項目工程師

有意者請將個人履歷電郵至 leilachoi@houchun.com.mo 。(電郵上請註明申請之職位)




  • 持有澳門衛生局認可的有效的中醫牌照

  • 具備針灸、拔罐、艾灸、推拿等中醫技能

  • 具有5年或以上獨立診症經驗

  • 精通粵語,英語,國語,具有良好的溝通能力


  • 負責中醫日常診療工作

  • 為病人提供專業的中醫意見及解答相關疑問

  • 根據病人自身的情況,為病人制定全面的中醫健康管理方案,提升病人的滿意度。



  • 持有澳門衛生局認可的有效醫生牌照

  • 具備婦科,耳鼻喉科等相關經驗優先

  • 具 3 年或以上獨立診症經驗

  • 工作細心及對病人有耐性

  • 工作積極主動、具團隊精神及責任感

  • 精通粵語,英語,國語,具良好服務態度及溝通能力


  • 負責日常診療工作,提供全科以及特別門診服務

  • 為客戶提供專業意見及解答相關咨詢

  • 具備客戶健康管理意識,為客戶提供針對性的健康管理方案。



  • 持有澳門居民身份證

  • 具澳門政府相關物理治療師牌照。

  • 有實際醫院或診所工作經驗者優先

  • 工作細心及對病人有耐性。

  • 工作積極主動、具團隊精神及責任感

  • 具良好服務態度及溝通能力

  • 薪資福利,具體面議。



  • 需持有澳門政府註冊護士牌照

  • 熟練運用電腦,流利英語,粵語,普通話.

  • 工作認真,有耐心

  • 有診所或醫院工作經驗優先

  • 福利薪資面談


有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等寄往澳門宋玉生廣場258號建興龍廣場21樓人力資源及行政部收或電郵至 clinic@hngroup.com.mo (信封上或電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

查詢電話:2852 4468 / 2882 0127



  • 負責協助工程隊伍處理文書工作

  • 跟進地盤材料送貨事宜

  • 處理工人相關事宜

  • 熟悉 MsOffice軟伴

  • 有地盤經驗和職安咭更佳


  • 大學畢業

  • 勤奮、富責任心

  • 懂 AutoCad及 MS Offcie

  • 協助項目工程師處理日常工作

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題


  • 協助統籌及協調各分判施工項目

  • 負責監控工程進度,推動各項施工步驟以確保工程能依計劃完成

  • 負責識別及協調所有問題事項並能獨立處理和解決現場各種問題

  • 五年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉地盤運作及統籌工作,能獨立處理地盤工程

  • 具備基本中文書寫能力

高級機電項目工程師 (電機 / 空調)

  • 大學本科畢業

  • 七年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉機電系統安裝和相關規範

  • 熟悉進度的監控和與各方協調工作

  • 具良好溝通技巧

  • 負責執行機電安裝工程項目

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題

  • (如相關工作經驗不足者,可申請機電項目工程師)

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇電郵至:cecilu@houchun.com.moeng1@houchun.com.mo (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。